ICT systems to support telemarketing have been developed in Poland for over 10 years. We can proudly say that Systell has been one of the first companies on the Polish market to notice this niche and start developing specialist dedicated software. Only recently has the call / contact centre market begun to pay more attention to the quality of inbound customer service and to the so-called omnichannel approach. During the first years of software development the main focus was on achieving maximum efficiency in the optimization of the classic form of telemarketing. This call centre business model is still present on domestic market, although it is not as popular as it used to be only a few years ago. Based on our many years’ experience and rapid advances in technology, we have identified several critical aspects of call centre software that you should take into account when choosing a telemarketing system.
1. Choose the right dialer
A dialer is a software component that automatically makes phone calls. When using a dialer, employees do not have to enter numbers manually or dial the numbers of subsequent customers, as these actions are performed by a telemarketing software. There are several dialer types. They have been created so that businesses can choose a dialling mechanism that is best for their needs. One can choose among a progressive dialer, a power dialer or a predictive dialer.
Progressive Dialer – this dialer type is frequently used in B2B contacts, where the number of phone calls is not a key factor. What matters here is a long-term business relationship with a customer. A progressive dialer optimises placing of outbound calls by automatically dialling the next phone number after the conversation with the previous customer has been completed. Its task is to maximise business efficiency and simultaneously foster relationships with customers.

Power Dialer – is used mainly in mass communication with individual customers. This dialer type uses multiplication mechanisms of outbound calls to maximise the time spent on talking to customers. Nowadays power dialers are in decline, as the technological progress enabled the development of a more advanced mechanism, namely a predictive dialer.
Predictive Dialer – uses a predictive algorithm for dialling phone numbers. Predictive dialling software analyses such data as the length of a typical call or the number of logged in, busy or idle consultants. Based on the data from the system, a predictive dialer “learns” how the given call centre works, and uses its mechanisms to predict how many calls it should make and when, in order to maximise the number of consultants that are on the phone and talking to customers. It is the most efficient dialer product for automatic placing of outbound calls.
2. Schedule next call if you did not reach the customer
You have probably wondered many times how to ensure that the customers are called back at the right time. After all, customers might ask to be called at different days and times. What is more, there will be situations when the customer does not answer the call or the voicemail turns on. A telemarketing system solves such problems immediately, as it is equipped with a call-up function. In such situations as described above or in other defined situations it is possible to schedule next call to the customer with a single mouse click. The dialer will handle the rest; based on the set priorities, the system will determine the best time to place the call again.

3. The script is not everything
When one says “telemarketing”, one immediately thinks of a “conversation script”. Sure, many telemarketing companies require their employees to follow conversation scripts when talking to customers. Virtually every call centre solution available on the market has a call scripter function. But a script itself is not everything. A telemarketing system will only become a truly useful and efficient tool if its different functions connected to data collection during the conversation with a customer are used. Not all systems are equipped with adequate tools to ensure satisfactory work performance in this field. Fortunately, the Systell Contact Center product offers a broad spectrum of useful functions.
4. The conversation with the customer is over; what is next?
The “What is next” question following the conversation with a customer is absolutely crucial, as it points to the next key function of telemarketing systems that should be available in professional business software. The best answer to this question is an “advanced business process”. Not all telemarketing processes must be complicated. But a good call centre system should not only handle simple processes, which are completed after the first conversation with a customer, but also enable execution of even the most complex processes. What might that mean?
Well, the right answers given in the script might for example trigger the transfer of the customer to another customer service department or the sending of a pre-written e-mail or text message. The Systell Contact Center offers endless possibilities to design outbound call flowcharts and use various communication channels.
Actually, it is impossible to describe all its features here, so please, feel free to contact us with any questions you might have. Our team of qualified employees will be happy to answer them.